How to Recover from the Trauma of a TBI: 

A Holistic Approach

Does this sound like you?

  • Do you struggle with anxiety frustration and overwhelm due to your tbi recovery?

  • Do you just want to feel better?

  • Are you just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired from your TBI recovery?

  • Do you have trouble remembering?

  • Are you stuck in your head? (ruminating)

  • Do you still struggle with headaches?

  • Do you struggle with recall?

  • Is keeping your focus challenging?

  • Do you know where to start in your healing?

  • Do you know how to stay organized?

  • Do you struggle with anxiety frustration and overwhelm?  

Then you need to join my masterclass!

Here’s an example of what you’ll learn in the Masterclass

A simple tool to improve focus and concentration

“Healing happens from the inside out.”

Learn about that in TBI recovery holisticly at my masterclass

Class One - how to support your healing + your TBI using brainstorm

After this you’ll want to join the next 3 classes in this 4 part series. This will open you to exclusive support offerings:

Class Two 

- how to manage your emotions when recovering from a TBI

Class Three 

- how to improve your focus in TBI recovery

Class Four 

- how to continue your TBI recovery journey

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